9 Ways to Get Better Efficiency From Your AC

Your AC system will work hard for you during the summer. Luckily, there are additional things you can do inside your Houston, TX, home to contribute to your comfort and help your AC. Keeping heat out and making sure that air is moving are both high on the list of activities you can engage in to ensure your indoor comfort.

Install a Programmable Thermostat for Your AC

A programmable thermostat will allow you to set specific temperature goals for overnight and during the hottest part of the day. Even better, you can customize it to make sure that you’re a bit cooler and more comfortable when you spend more time at home.

Set the Thermostat and Leave It Alone

On the hottest days, it can be tempting to crank down the AC, but air conditioners don’t work that way. You won’t increase the intensity of the air coolness coming into your home. You will only make the system run longer. Instead of changing the temperature settings, take other actions to help yourself feel cooler.

Close Curtains

In the morning, open the curtains on the west and north side of your house. As the sun moves over and afternoon begins, close the curtains on the west and open those on the east side. You can enjoy natural light during the hottest part of the summer, but it’s best to avoid direct sunlight to reduce heat buildup.

Use Fans

If you can keep air moving inside your house, you’ll feel cooler. It’s important to note that fans can’t actually cool the temperature of the air. They can, however, cool the temperature of your skin. Set your ceiling fans to spin counter-clockwise and use smaller fans to keep air moving along the floor.

Uncover Your Pulse Points

If you’ve ever worked in an office, you may have noticed that men are generally too warm and women are usually too cold. There’s a very simple reason for this: Men are typically in neckties and slacks with socks while women are most often in blouses and bare-legged. The pulse points at your neck, wrists, ankles and backs of your knees are critical to keeping your body cool.

Go barefoot and wear shorts whenever possible. Keep your neck uncovered, or dampen a kerchief and wrap it around your neck. You can also direct a fan at your upper body.

Keep Humidity Down Helps Your AC

Use exhaust fans in bathrooms and your kitchen to keep humidity to a minimum. If possible, take cooler showers to lessen your energy use and avoid steaming up the bath. Cook outdoors or avoid boiling anything on the stovetop. If your home feels sticky, consider adding a dehumidifier to your HVAC system to use during the hottest part of the year.

Keep Your AC Unit Maintained

Your AC unit won’t stop working in January. It will likely hit a bump when it’s working hard, such as in August. If you can set up a service contract for regular maintenance, you will not only lessen the risk of a breakdown in the hottest part of the year, but you’ll put your household at the top of the repair list if something does go wrong.

Change Your HVAC Filter

Talk to your AC technician about the right time to change your HVAC filter and set yourself a calendar reminder. Keeping air flowing through your system is the best way to make sure you stay cool.

Also, be sure to check the outside of the unit to keep vining plants away from the vents. Finally, make sure your outdoor AC unit is regularly cleaned and checked so that it can run without impediments such as dirt or blockages.

Keeping your family comfortable will be easier with a great team on your side. Davis Air Conditioning and Heating has been working to keep Houston, TX, residents and their homes cool for years. Contact us for a checkup, cleaning and service contract to keep your AC working well through the hottest part of the year.

Image provided by iStock

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