3 Quick Ways to Save Money this Summer

Summer can come with a lot of added expenses, from day camp to family vacations. You can trim your costs this season with some smart money-saving strategies around your Danbury, Texas, home. These simple changes will have a very real impact on your utility bills, so you can put a little money back in your pocket this season.

Set the Thermostat Right

Take a close look at how you’re setting your thermostat. While you want to keep it comfortable when you’re home, you can set the temperature higher when you’re away or asleep. You may also find that you can turn the temperature up a few degrees even when you’re in the house by keeping a ceiling fan on, switching to lighter bedding, or just dressing a bit lighter when you’re in the house.

Turn Off Your Appliances

Make sure any appliances that aren’t in use are turned off. Plug electronics like the television or computer into a power strip, and turn the entire strip off when these items aren’t in use. Otherwise, your electronics will slowly drain energy even when they’re technically off.

Think about when you’re using your devices, as well. Operate appliances that generate heat, like a dryer or dishwasher, in the evening when it’s cooler out. Running these in the middle of the day may cause you to turn up the thermostat, draining even more energy.

Care for Your Air Conditioner

Taking care of your air conditioner will help it operate more efficiently and affordably. Head outside and make sure the condenser isn’t blocked. Clear away grass and leaves so air can circulate freely. Change the filter once a month so air can move easily through this as well. If you haven’t had your air conditioner serviced in the last year, schedule a tuneup to keep it in top condition.

Is it time for a little money-saving maintenance on your home? Contact Davis Air Conditioning & Heating at 888-710-5530 to make your appointment today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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