Is a Cracked Heat Exchanger Leaving You in the Cold in Clute, TX?

A damaged heat exchanger causes structural damage to your Clute, TX, furnace and becomes a health challenge for your family. Discover four ways to tell that you have a cracked heat exchanger that requires immediate repair to make sure your family stays safe this winter.

Strong Fumes

A cracked heat exchanger emits strong, nauseating fumes as it leaks burned-off chemical compounds. These fumes often smell like formaldehyde and are toxic to your home’s indoor air quality. Fix the problem before you or any family members become sick.

Soot and Water

If you notice any black, sooty buildup on the interior of the furnace, then you’re likely dealing with a cracked exchanger. If this part is damaged, it won’t finish the combustion process anymore, which results in the buildup of soot.

You should know that faulty burners also cause sooty buildup. However, soot plus water leaks mean that you can narrow the problem down to the heat exchanger. It’s time to schedule heating repairs with your professional HVAC system technician when you notice this issue.

Odorless Gases That Can Cause Sickness

Has anyone in your family become ill even though you aren’t smelling anything strange? A cracked exchanger allows odorless gases such as nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide to enter your living environment. Carbon monoxide, for instance, causes symptoms such as:

  • Nausea
  • Sleepiness
  • Disorientation
  • Eye and nose irritation
  • Flu symptoms
  • Headache

Damage to Other Furnace Components

A cracked exchanger can cause additional problems to other HVAC equipment. Chloride fumes, for instance, corrode and crack other furnace components located near the heat exchanger. Call for professional help the moment you notice strange odors coming from the vents.

Do you think your furnace suffers from a cracked heat exchanger? Contact Davis Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc., and schedule your next furnace maintenance appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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