Take Steps for Home Safety Before You Travel for the Holidays

When you travel, it’s important to ensure that your home is safe and secure, so that you can return to your house the way you left it. If you want to avoid any problems, we recommend that you follow these simple steps for home safety:

  • Keep your temperature down — To keep your home from getting too cold, use a programmable thermostat to set your system’s temperature at approximately 50 degrees. You may want to set it higher for the day you return, so that your furnace will warm up your home just before you arrive.
  • Stop your mail — Don’t let your mail pile up. Contact the post office. You can even place it on hold by visiting their website. Same goes for your newspaper. If those pile up, this could tip off a thief that you’re not home.
  • Mow your lawn — If you’re not going to be gone too long, simply make sure you mow your lawn just before you leave. But if you’ll be away for an extended time, make sure a lawn service will be trimming your grass to keep up the illusion that you’re still home.
  • Enlist the help of a neighbor — Find someone you trust to keep an eye on things while you’re away. If possible, leave a set of keys with this person in case of any big emergency that comes up.
  • Set your lights on timers — This is another great way to make people think you’re still at home. Don’t waste energy by keeping them on during the day, though. A few at night will suffice.
  • Hide your most valuable items — Keep valuable items out of sight, whether they’re sentimental or have a monetary value. If someone does break in by chance, they’ll more likely go for the items out in the open because they’ll be in a hurry to avoid getting caught.

For more expert steps for home safety, or for any questions related to home comfort, feel free to contact the professionals at Davis Air Conditioning & Heating. We have been serving the HVAC needs of Houston, Angleton, Fort Bend, Galveston, Sugar Lane, Brazoria, and their surrounding areas since 1971.

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