Why Thermostat Location Matters in Stafford, TX

Most homeowners understand a thermostat is the heart of an HVAC system, but it may surprise you to know that its location can impact its functionality. The following are reasons its location matters in your Stafford, TX home.

Registering Accurate Readings

When thermostats register temperature readings, they do so in their present locations. This presents a potential problem since temperatures are almost certain not to be uniform throughout all the rooms in your home.

If your thermostat is somewhere warmer than the rest of your home, your cooling system will work harder than necessary, and your heating system may not generate as much heat as you need it to. You’ll encounter the opposite problem if you place your thermostat in a place colder than the rest of your house.

Where to Put Your Thermostat

Avoid putting your thermostat in any areas likely to experience extreme temperatures. For example, don’t set it on any wall that receives significant sunlight. Installing the thermostat in rooms containing many air vents, windows or appliances, such as ovens, microwaves and freezers, also wouldn’t be beneficial.

Instead, aim for moderate and temperate locations. If possible, put the thermostat on a first-floor inside wall at the center of your home. It increases the chances it will reflect an average and accurate reading.

What Else Can You Do?

Lastly, we advise you to schedule a tune-up of your HVAC system at least once per year to ensure it’s properly working and effectively communicating with the thermostat.

If you think your thermostat may not be in the best location, we can help. Our team can assist you with choosing the best thermostat spot that allows for optimal heating and cooling. Call Davis Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. today and take advantage of our many HVAC services and after-hours assistance.

Image provided by iStock

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