Why HVAC Maintenance Is Important

HVAC maintenance is important in Stafford, TX, because it helps your heating and cooling unit continue to provide warm air in the winter and cold air during hot weather when you need it. If you forget to schedule HVAC maintenance, you may wind up paying for repairs and decreasing the lifespan of your system.

How Does a Lack of Maintenance Decrease the Lifespan of an HVAC System?

If you forget to maintain your heating and cooling system, then a small repair could turn into a major problem. When a technician performs a tune-up and maintenance on your system, small issues are more likely to be spotted before they can turn into big expensive problems. For instance, the condenser should receive thorough cleaning regularly. If debris is allowed to form on it, then it won’t be able to transfer heat as easily. With regular maintenance, all of the equipment parts will operate at their most efficiency level, increasing your system’s lifespan.

HVAC Maintenance Keeps the Interior Temperatures of Your Home Comfortable

HVAC maintenance involves inspecting, adjusting and cleaning the system’s blower components. This part of the maintenance ensures that the proper amount of air is flowing through the system’s ductwork and out from the vents, which makes the interior temperatures of your home comfortable. If your unit is experiencing airflow issues, not only will you be uncomfortable, but it can decrease the efficiency of your system by as much as 15%, and possibly more.

Better Energy Efficiency

As HVAC systems age, they become less efficient. Accumulated dust and dirt contribute to counteract how effectively the heating and cooling unit operates. This increases your energy and repair bills. According to estimates, about half of the energy used within a home is spent on the heating and cooling system.

Maintenance Decreases HVAC Repairs

If there’s an unusual smell coming from your system or a strange noise, it is an indication that an HVAC repair is needed. Odd smells and funny noises often start out quietly or subtly and become more noticeable as the problem worsens.

During a regular maintenance visit, a technician is likely to spot a small problem and repair it before it turns into an expensive one. For instance, a belt could just be starting to wear out and fray, which is an issue that causes an unnatural operating noise. If a technician discovers the issue and fixes it before it snaps, this prevents additional damage from the part flipping around inside and breaking other parts.

Less Possibility of a Catastrophic Failure

The last thing that you want is for your AC to fail on you in the middle of July. Not only is it incredibly uncomfortable when it’s hot in your home, but it can also be dangerous for someone who is elderly as well as for pets. With regular maintenance, this is less likely to happen.

DIY Maintenance Tasks

It’s best to schedule HVAC maintenance twice a year. Make an appointment in the spring to have your system’s cooling equipment checked. Schedule a fall appointment for the heating equipment. Between these appointments, you should change the system’s air filter quarterly or more frequently if needed or if you have pets. Also, check the exterior of the unit to get rid of any debris. Check any surrounding greenery to see if it needs to be trimmed. Try to keep bushes and flowers at least 18 inches away from the exterior unit.

HVAC Maintenance Best Left to a Professional

There are some maintenance tasks that you should leave to an HVAC contractor. For instance, experts know how to assess a thermostat to make sure that it is calibrated properly. They’ll also have the equipment and knowledge to tighten electrical components safely and measure refrigerant. Lubricating moving parts is another task best left to the professionals.

A Win-Win Situation

Regular HVAC maintenance in Stafford, TX, is likely to extend the lifespan of your system, decrease the repairs that it needs and lower your energy bills. Our technicians at Davis AC have the training and equipment to maintain your HVAC unit. Contact us about our maintenance plans today.

Image provided by iStock

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