4 Common Thermostat Mistakes to Avoid

Programmable thermostats give you a lot of power over your home comfort, but they only work when you set them right. If you’re not careful, your habits could leave your home uncomfortable or make your energy bills skyrocket. Watch out for common thermostat mistakes, and correct them carefully to keep your Houston home as cool and efficient as possible this summer.

Purchasing the Wrong Model

If you’re getting a new programmable thermostat, it’s important to buy a model that’s well-suited to your schedule. If you have a weekday job with weekends at home, a 5+2 option will give you different settings for your Monday through Friday schedule and weekend activities. If your schedule varies from day to day, a 7-day model is a better option.

Keeping a Comfortable Home When You’re Away

Though you want to come home to a cool house, you don’t need to keep temperatures low all day. With a programmable thermostat, you can set the home to begin cooling just before you return. In the mean time, keep the home 10 to 15 degrees warmer when you’re gone for improved energy savings.

Adjusting the Temperature Too Often

You’ll get the most efficiency out of your HVAC system when you maintain set points for eight hours at a time. If you’re constantly turning the temperature up or down, your system is working too hard. Try to find a comfortable set point that you can maintain for long periods. Ideally, you’ll program your daily and weekly temperature adjustments once and avoid making one-time adjustments throughout the day.

Cooling Too Much at Night

You’re typically inactive overnight, which makes this a prime time to set your thermostat a little higher. If you’re struggling with this, try switching to lighter pajamas and bedding to compensate. You can also cool your bedroom with minimal energy consumption using a fan instead of air conditioning.

Combine these thermostat strategies with a well-maintained HVAC system for the best energy efficiency possible. Contact Davis Air Conditioning & Heating at 888-710-5530 to schedule a tuneup if you’re overdue.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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