Clamp Down on Energy Wasters This Summer With These Tips

During the cooling season, electric bills are high enough, but if you go through your home and identify the energy wasters, you could lower your bill. Our summers are long, hot and humid, and your air conditioner works overtime to keep you comfortable. These tips will help you stay comfortable and use your energy wisely.

  • Clean the air filter for the air handler when it has a layer of dust on it. Nothing raises your electrical consumption more than a dirty filter. It slows the velocity of airflow through your A/C, which makes it harder for your system to cool your home. It also causes premature wear on the parts.
  • Have the cooling system professionally maintained each year. HVAC professionals fine tune it, clean the parts and verify that the refrigerant charge is correct. Ask them to test your ductwork for leaks and fix them if they’re present.
  • Install a programmable thermostat, especially if you’re away from home during the week. You can set the temperature up while you’re away, which will cut your energy costs substantially.
  • Turn your water heater down to 120 degrees, especially if you have a storage water heater. You can also insulate the tank to cut standby losses. Insulating blankets are available at home improvement centers. If you have a gas water heater, ask a plumber for assistance with the insulation or follow the directions carefully. Gas heaters require proper ventilation for safety.
  • Unplug your battery chargers for portable devices when you’re not using them. These chargers are big energy wasters if they’re left plugged in, since most of them continue to draw power even when they’re not charging something.
  • Don’t run ceiling fans when you’re not occupying a room. Fans only make you feel more comfortable when you’re present in the room. They do nothing to increase the cooling of the room itself.
  • Wash only full loads in the dishwasher and clothes washer. They use the same amount of energy, regardless of load size.

If you’d like more information about energy wasters and how you can tackle them, contact Davis Air Conditioning & Heating. We’ve provided HVAC services for Houston, Angleton, Ft. Bend, Galveston, Sugar Lane and Brazoria counties since 1971.

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