Tips to Save Energy at Home

An energy-efficient home enables you to not only live comfortably, but also lower your energy bills. To achieve this, you need to invest in a variety of home improvements and implement some simple tips to save energy at home. Below is a look at some these tips.

  • Programmable thermostat: A programmable thermostat uses a series of user-programmed settings to adjust the temperature within your home. As the temperature difference within your home increases, so do the heating and cooling losses. Installing this device enables you to reduce the temperature difference and make your heating and cooling systems more efficient.
  • Turn off lights and other appliances: The improper use of lights and electrical appliances is one of the reasons for high energy bills. Therefore, ensure that you always switch off the lights when you leave the room. In addition, turn off all electrical appliances including computers, TVs and DVD players when they are not in use. Don’t leave these appliances on standby mode since they will still be consuming your power. Instead, turn off the power at the wall outlet.
  • Air drying: Using your dishwasher’s or laundry machine’s drying cycle is a waste of energy. Instead, consider air drying your laundry and dishes. On the other hand, you should ensure that you only wash when you have a full load of clothes or dishes.
  • Shower vs. bath: A warm bath requires more energy to heat the large amount of water. Taking a shower on the other hand, is much faster and requires less water. Consequently, you end up using less energy when you use the shower. For extra energy savings, you should opt for low-flow showerheads.
  • Windows and doors: Make sure that you close all doors and windows before heating or cooling your home. Open doors and windows allow for the warm/cool air to escape and thus, reduce the efficiency of your heating or air conditioning systems.
  • ENERGY STAR® compliance: When buying electrical appliances, ensure that they have the Energy Star label. These products are designed with energy efficiency guidelines in mind.

For more expert tips to save energy at home, contact Davis Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.

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